3GPP2 Legal Issues

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Legal Status

The Partnership Project is not a legal entity but is a collaborative activity between five Standards Development Organizations.

The Partnership Project is titled the "Third Generation Partnership Project 2" and may be known by the acronym "3GPP2".

IPR Declarations

In accordance with Article 55 of the 3GPP2 Working Procedures Document:

"Individual Members of 3GPP2 shall be bound by the Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Policy of their respective Organizational Partner. Individual Members should declare, at the earliest opportunity, any IPRs which they believe to be essential, or potentially essential, to any work ongoing within 3GPP2. Organizational Partners should encourage their respective members to grant licenses on fair, reasonable terms and conditions and on a non-discriminatory basis. The Secretariat shall maintain a register of IPR declarations relevent to 3GPP2, received by the Organizational Partners."

IPR declarations should be made directly to any of 3GPP2's Organizational Partners. Please contact the individuals listed below. For convenience, links to the IPR policies for each Organizational Partner are provided, where available.
Organizational Partner Contact
Association of Radio Industries and Business (ARIB) - Japan Mr. Takatsugu Kito
Telephone: +81 3 5510 8594
Fax: +81 3 3592 1103
China Communications Standards Association (CCSA) - China Mr. Wan Yi
Telephone: +86 10 680266624
Fax: +86 10 68034801
Telecommunications Industry Association (TIA) - North America Ms. Victoria Mitchell
Telephone: +1 703 907 7497
Fax: +1 703 907 7728
Telecommunications Technology Association (TTA) - Korea Mr. Byoung-Moon Chin
Telephone: +82 31 724 0101
Fax: +82 31 724 0109
The Telecommunication Technology Committee (TTC) - Japan Mr. Shin Suzuki
Telephone: +81 3 5776 7796
Fax: +81 3 3432 1553

Click here to access the January 2002 Organizational Partners' meeting summary discussing IPR policies.

Authorization to Reproduce and Use 3GPP2 Materials

3GPP2 documents are copyrighted by the Project's Organizational Partners. If you are interested in incorporating 3GPP2 materials (such as text, figures, illustrations, equations) into a document to be published either in print or electronically, you will need to complete and submit the "Permission to Reproduce 3GPP2 Materials" form.

© Third Generation Partnership Project 2 (3GPP2)
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