Variable Prefixing

Because variables can differ in scope and can overlap, you need to be aware that sometimes a variety of variables will be available to a ColdFusion application page and some may variables may share the same name.

To ensure ColdFusion evaluates the appropriate variable, reference a variable by prefixing a variable name with its type. The table below describes each variable by its prefix.

Variable Type Prefix Reference Syntax
Local Variables. Variables.VariableName
Query *QueryName. QueryName.VariableName
Form Form. Form.VariableName
URL URL. URL.VariableName
Cookie Cookie. Cookie.VariableName
CGI. CGI. CGI.VariableName
Application Application. Application.VariableName

* Where QueryName is the NAME attribute that you assigned in the CFQUERY tag. You will learn more about querying a database in the next chapter.

Variable prefixing example

The code below outputs the current value of the ProductName local variable:


The code below outputs the current value of the ProductName form variable:


The code below outputs the current value of the ProductName query results:

Note Note:Allaire recommends that you prefix any variables other than local when referencing them.