The CFABORT tag stops processing of a page at the tag location. ColdFusion simply returns everything that was processed before the CFABORT tag. CFABORT is often used with conditional logic to stop processing a page because of a particular condition.




Optional. Specify the error you want to display when CFABORT executes. This error message appears in the standard ColdFusion error page.


<!--- this example demonstrates the use of CFABORT
to stop the processing of a CFLOOP.  Note that in the second example, 
where CFABORT is used, the result never appears --->

<BODY bgcolor=FFFFFF>

<H1>CFABORT Example</H1>

<H3>Example A: Let the instruction complete itself</H3>
<!--- first, set a variable  --->
<CFSET myVariable = 3>
<!--- now, perform a loop that increments this value --->
<CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="4" INDEX="Counter">
    <CFSET myVariable = myVariable + 1>

<P>    The value of myVariable after incrementing through the loop
    #Counter# times is: #myVariable#

<!--- reset the variable and show the use of CFABORT --->
<H3>Example B: Use CFABORT to halt the instruction</H3>

<CFSET myVariable = 3>
<!--- now, perform a loop that increments this value --->
<CFLOOP FROM="1" TO="4" INDEX="Counter">
    <!--- on the second time through the loop, CFABORT --->
    <CFIF Counter is 2>
    <!--- the processing is stopped, and subsequent operations
    are not carried out by the CFAS --->    
    <CFSET myVariable = myVariable + 1>

<P>    The value of myVariable after incrementing through the loop
    #counter# times is: #myVariable#