Using the Dreamweaver Login Wizard

ColdFusion installs a Login Wizard command in the Dreamweaver Commands menu that generates a skeleton set of pages for managing user authentication and authorization.

The wizard asks you to select how to authenticate the login information. Select one of the following options:

  • Simple Specify a single user ID and password in the wizard. All users must enter this information to log in. Use this option for testing, or use the generated files as a template where you can replace the authentication code with more complex code. For example, to verify the ID and password against a database.

  • NT domain Specify an NT domain in the wizard, and the wizard generates code that queries the domain.

  • LDAP Specify the LDAP server and port, the user name and password required to access the login data, and the distinguished name to use to start the search for the user name. The wizard generates the code to query the LDAP server with the user ID and password.

The wizard asks you to select one of the following options for displaying the request for login information:

  • Browser Dialog Box

  • ColdFusion Login Form

Structure code generated by the Login Wizard

The wizard generates or modifies the following files in the directory or site that you specify:

If this file does not exist, the wizard creates it with a single onRequestStart method; it does not specify an application name or any other methods. If the file exists, but does not have an onRequestStart method, it adds the method. If Application.cfc and the onRequestStart method exist, the wizard inserts the required code at the beginning of the method. The resulting onRequestStart method has a cfinclude tag that specifies mm_wizard_application_include.cfm; it also has a simple form with a logout button, which appears at the top of each page in the application.
Note: If the wizard creates the Application.cfc file, change the file to specify the application name. For more information on Application.cfc, see Designing and Optimizing a ColdFusion Application.

The Login Wizard uses the information specified in the wizard fields to set several CFC method arguments. It then uses them to invoke the performlogin method of the master login CFC, mm_wizard.authenticate.

This CFC contains all of the user authentication and login logic. The CFC consists of the following methods:
  • The ntauth, ldapauth, and simpleauth authentication methods check the user’s name and ID against the valid login information, and return information about whether the user is authenticated. For the details of how they authenticate the user and the specific return values, see the methods.

  • The performLogin method is the master login method. It contains the cflogin tag, which displays the login form and calls the required authentication method. If the authentication method’s return argument indicates a valid user, the method logs the user in.

  • The logout method logs out a user. If you specified Browser Dialog Box as the login page type, it also calls the closeBrowser method to close the browser window. This behavior is necessary because the browser continues to send the old login credentials after the user logs out, and the cflogin tag will automatically use them and log the user in again.

  • The closeBrowser method closes the browser window or tells the user to close the browser window to complete the logout, depending on the browser type.

This file contains a ColdFusion login form. The wizard generates this file for all options, but does not use it if you specify Browser Dialog login.

index.cfm or mm_wizard_index.cfm
The wizard generates an index.cfm page if the directory does not have one; otherwise, creates an mm_wizard_index.cfm page. These pages let you test the generated login code before you implement your application, or without using any of your standard application pages. To test your login, open the index.cfm page in your browser.

Modifying the login code for your application

The Login Wizard creates a basic framework for authenticating a user. Customize this framework to meet the needs of your application. Typical security-related changes include the following:

  • Providing user-specific role information in the cflogin tag

  • Authenticating users against a database

Providing user-specific role information

The Login Wizard sets all users in a single role. In mm_wizard_authenticate.cfc, the performlogin method is hard-coded to set the role to “user.” The authentication routines handle roles differently. (For the details, see the mm_wizard_authenticate.cfc code.) If your application uses roles for authorization, change the authentication method to get and return valid role information, and change the performlogin method to use the information in the roles attribute of its cfloginuser tag.

Authenticating users against a database

If you use a database to maintain user IDs and passwords, create your login framework by specifying simple authentication, and modify the code to use the database. The following instructions describe a simple way to change the code to use a database. They do not include all the cleanup work (particularly, removing the hard-coded user name and password) needed for a well-formatted application.

Replace the following code:

<cfif sUserName eq uUserName AND sPassword eq uPassword> 
    <cfset retargs.authenticated="YES"> 
    <cfset retargs.authenticated="NO"> 
<cfreturn retargs>

With code like the following:

<cfquery name="loginQuery" dataSource="#Application.DB#" > 
    SELECT * 
    FROM Users 
    WHERE UserName = <cfqueryparam value="#uUserName#" CFSEQLType= 
        'CF_SQL_VARCHAR'AND password = <cfqueryparam value="#uPassword#" 
<cfif loginQuery.recordcount gt 0> 
    <cfset retargs.authenticated="YES"> 
    <cfset retargs.roles=loginQuery.roles> 
    <cfset retargs.authenticated="NO"> 
<cfreturn retargs>
Note: For greater security, consider using a hashed password. Do not store the password directly in the database; instead, use the hash function to create a secure password fingerprint, and store it in the database. When the user provides a password, use the Hash function on the submitted string and compare it with the value in the database.