

Sorts array elements numerically or alphanumerically.


True, if sort is successful; False, otherwise.

Function syntax

ArraySort(array, sort_type[, sort_order])


ColdFusion MX:

  • Changed thrown exceptions: This function can throw the ArraySortSimpleValueException error and ValueNotNumeric error.

  • Changed the order in which sorted elements are returned: In a textnocase, descending sort, this function might return elements in a different sort order than in earlier releases. If sort_type = "textnocase" and sort_order = "desc", ColdFusion processes elements that differ only in case differently from earlier releases, as follows:

    • ColdFusion reverses the elements’ original order.

    • Releases earlier than ColdFusion MX do not change the elements’ original order.

    For example, in a textnocase, desc sort of d,a,a,b,A, the following occurs:

    • ColdFusion MX and later returns d,b,A,a,a

    • Releases earlier than ColdFusion MX return d,b,a,a,A





Name of an array


  • numeric: sorts numbers

  • text: sorts text alphabetically, taking case into account (also known as case sensitive). All letters of one case precede the first letter of the other case:

- aabzABZ, if sort_order = "asc" (ascending sort)

- ZBAzbaa, if sort_order = "desc" (descending sort)

  • textnocase: sorts text alphabetically, without regard to case (also known as case-insensitive). A letter in varying cases precedes the next letter:

- aAaBbBzzZ, in an ascending sort; preserves original intra-letter order

- ZzzBbBaAa, in a descending sort; reverses original intra-letter order


  • asc - ascending sort order. Default.

- aabzABZ or aAaBbBzzZ, depending on value of sort_type, for letters

- from smaller to larger, for numbers

  • desc - descending sort order.

- ZBAzbaa or ZzzBbBaAa, depending on value of sort_type, for letters

- from larger to smaller, for numbers


If an array element is something other than a simple element, this function throws an ArraySortSimpleValueException error. If sort_type is numeric and an array element is not numeric, this function throws a ValueNotNumeric error.


<!--- This example shows ArraySort. ---> 
<cfquery name = "GetEmployeeNames" datasource = "cfdocexamples"> 
    SELECT FirstName, LastName FROM Employees 
<!--- Create an array. ---> 
<cfset myArray = ArrayNew(1)> 
<!--- Loop through the query and append these names successively to the last element. ---> 
<cfloop query = "GetEmployeeNames"> 
    <cfset temp = ArrayAppend(myArray, "#FirstName# #LastName#")> 
<!--- Show the resulting array as a list. ---> 
<cfset myList = ArrayToList(myArray, ",")> 
<!--- Sort that array in descending order alphabetically. ---> 
<cfset isSuccessful = ArraySort(myArray, "textnocase", "desc")> 