

Controls aspects of page processing, such as the output of HTML code in pages.


    enableCFoutputOnly = "yes|no"  
    requestTimeOut = "value in seconds" 
    showDebugOutput = "yes|no" >
Note: You can specify this tag’s attributes in an attributeCollection attribute whose value is a structure. Specify the structure name in the attributeCollection attribute and use the tag’s attribute names as structure keys.


ColdFusion MX 6.1: Changed behavior: if the tag has a body, ColdFusion executes its contents.

ColdFusion MX:

  • Added the requestTimeOut attribute.

  • The catchExceptionsByPattern attribute is obsolete. It does not work, and causes an error, in releases later than ColdFusion 5.

  • Changed exception handling: the structured exception manager searches for the best-fit cfcatch handler. (In earlier releases, an exception was handled by the first cfcatch block that could handle an exception of its type.)









  • yes: blocks output of HTML that is outside cfoutput tags.

  • no: displays HTML that is outside cfoutput tags.




  • integer; number of seconds. Time limit, after which ColdFusion processes the page as an unresponsive thread. Overrides the time-out set in the ColdFusion Administrator.




  • yes: if debugging is enabled in the Administrator, displays debugging information.

  • no: suppresses debugging information that would otherwise display at the end of the generated page.


The cfsetting requestTimeout attribute replaces the use of requestTimeOut within a URL. To enforce a page time-out, detect the URL variable and use code such as the following to change the page time-out:

<cfsetting RequestTimeout = "#URL.RequestTimeout#"> 

You can use this tag to manage whitespace in ColdFusion output pages.

If you nest cfsetting tags: to make HTML output visible, match each enableCFoutputOnly = "Yes" statement with an enableCFoutputOnly = "No" statement. For example, after five enableCFoutputOnly = "Yes" statements, to enable HTML output, you must have five corresponding enableCFoutputOnly = "No" statements.

If HTML output is enabled (no matter how many enableCFoutputOnly = "No" statements have been processed) the first enableCFoutputOnly = "Yes" statement blocks output.

If the debugging service is enabled and showDebugOutput =" Yes", the IsDebugMode function returns Yes; otherwise, No.

Note: Releases after ColdFusion MX allow a </cfsetting> end tag; however, this end tag does not affect processing. The cfsetting attributes affect code inside and outside the cfsetting tag body. ColdFusion MX ignored code between cfsetting start and end tags.


<p>CFSETTING is used to control the output of HTML code in ColdFusion pages. 
    This tag can be used to minimize the amount of generated whitespace. 
<cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly = "Yes"> 
    This text is not shown 
<cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly = "No"> 
    <p>This text is shown 
<cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly = "Yes"> 
        <p>Text within cfoutput is always shown 
<cfsetting enableCFoutputOnly = "No"> 
        <p>Text within cfoutput is always shown 