

Gets a specified number of characters from a string, beginning at the right.

Returns the specified number of characters from the end (or right side) of the specified string.


  • If the length of the string is greater than or equal to count, the rightmost count characters of the string

  • If count is greater than the length of the string, the whole string

  • If count is greater than 1, and the string is empty, an empty string

Function syntax

Right(string, count)

See also

Left, Mid, Reverse





A string or a variable that contains one.


A positive integer that specifies the number of characters to return.


<!--- Simple Right Example---> 
#Right("See the quick red fox jump over the fence", 9)# 
#Right("ColdFusion", 6)# 
<!--- Right Example using form input ---> 
<h3>Right Example</h3> 
<cfif IsDefined("Form.MyText")> 
<!--- If len returns 0 (zero), then show error message. ---> 
    <cfif Len(FORM.myText)> 
        <cfif Len(FORM.myText) LTE FORM.RemoveChars> 
            <cfoutput><p style="color: red; font-weight: bold">Your string 
            #FORM.myText# only has #Len(FORM.myText)# characters. You cannot output 
            the #FORM.removeChars# rightmost characters of this string because it  
            is not long enough.</p></cfoutput> 
            <cfoutput><p>Your original string: <strong>#FORM.myText#</strong> 
            <p>Your changed string, showing only the <strong>#FORM.removeChars# 
            </strong> rightmost characters: 
            <strong>#right(Form.myText, FORM.removeChars)#</strong></p> 
        <p style="color: red; font-weight: bold">Please enter a string of more 
        than 0 (zero) characters.</p> 
<form action="<cfoutput>#CGI.ScriptName#</cfoutput>" method="POST"> 
<p>Type in some text<br /> 
<input type="Text" name="myText"></p> 
<p>How many characters from the right do you want to show? 
<select name="RemoveChars"> 
<option value="1">1 
<option value="3" selected>3 
<option value="5">5 
<option value="7">7 
<option value="9">9</select> 
<input type="Submit" name="Submit" value="Remove characters"></p> 